Raspberry Pi (Page 2)

Running Node Application in Docker Container on Raspberry Pi


Docker on Raspberry Pi

Docker allow us to package our application with all its dependencies into a standardized unit; the application run in the Container that has everything it needs to run and this is kept in isolation from the other Container running on the Server. Its architecturally different from Virtual Machine and are more portable and efficient; they share the kernel and run as an isolated process in user space on the host operating system.


Monitoring Raspberry Pi

Before commissioning the Raspberry Pi; it would be nice if we setup some monitoring; so we can correlate any issue in the field with device status. This becomes important especially for devices like Raspberry Pi that has limited resources. The simplest and easiest way is to setup SNMP; its the protocol to collect and organize information about the managed devices on IP networks. Given Raspbian is a just another Linux; we can easily setup SNMPD; a SNMP daemon; and can monitor the device remotely or even from within the device. To install SNMPD; issue the following commands; and once installed backup the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf


Staging Node Application on Raspberry Pi

To make things interesting; lets test our Node application on Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. Raspbian; just like Ubuntu; is based on Debian, so the learnings we did in first part can be applied. Raspberry Pi is interesting due to its low cost, credit card sized and Raspbian OS, it can provide PC like computing in the field or workplace needing very little power and this enables lots of new interesting possibilities. PS Raspbian OS is one option; we can try/use other OSes on this little thing!