Docker Swarm

Published on Tuesday, February 28, 2017

ZooKeeper Series

Docker Swarm Series

swarmDocker Swarm is native clustering for Docker. Before Docker Engine 1.12 (June 2016); it was a separate thing that turned the pool of docker hosts into a single virtual Docker host; and now since 1.12 its included and is part of Docker Engine and now called “Swarm Mode”. We can use Docker CLI to create a swarm, deploy application services to a swarm and manage its behavior.


For Swarm; we need to have multiple Docker Engines running on nodes; one or more node acts as Manager and then we add Workers into the Swarm. The quickest way to try it is to use docker-machine and setup multiple Docker Engines across different Hosts or Virtual Machines. I have three VMs running Docker Engine v1.13. For these VMs; I used RancherOS; the tiny Linux distro ideal to run Docker Engine. I added them into my environment using Docker-Machine. Please note; RancherOS and Racher are seperate products; Rancher OS is the Linux distro and Rancher is Swarm like container management product. Rancher also supports using Swarm as its underlying clustering engine along with Cattle; its own; and Kubernetes and Mesos. But for this post we will remain committed to using Swarm using the Docker CLI and tools!


To create a Swarm; we choose one machine as the Manager, set the Docker environment for that machine; and run docker swarm init; it will initialize the Swarm environment on that machine, make it a manager and outputs the docker CLI command that we can run on the other machines with which we can add them as as workers


Unlike Rancher; there is no GUI or web based interface to manage the Docker Swarm, but there are third party tools available; and mostly as containers that we can run on the underlying Docker Engines. Docker Swarm Visualizer is the popular one; Portainer is another!


composeIn Docker 1.13 (January 2017); they have added a docker-compose support to the docker stack deploy command so that services can be deployed using a docker-compose.yml file directly. They have also introduced compose file v3 format that has new options like deploy related to deployment and running of the services in a Swarm, labels to specify the labels to the services

Lets make a v3 compose file for our ZooKeeper; sadly for such application; where one node needs to know about the other; and every node need its own configuration; we have to define service for each node. Once we have the compose file; we deploy “the stack” using docker stack deploy –compose-file yml-file NameOfStack; we defined the deployment constraints; and the manager will deploy zoo1 service (single node) on swarm1, zoo2 on swarm2 and zoo3 on swarm3 node automatically


We can list the services using docker service ls


Hopefully such workarounds will not be required once Swarm and Compose get more matured!